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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Random Thoughts

  Thought I would multi task today and talk about a couple of things. Karl Rove is making friends fast in the TEA Party. His PAC, American Crossroads, has formed a new group called Conservative Victory Project. This new group is designed to target and back Republican candidates they deem "electable". The whole thing stems from the ill fated campaign of Missouri Senate Candidate Todd Akin who, while enjoying a 10 point lead over his opponent, Democrat Claire McCaskill last fall, made some really dumb comments about rape. Every Republican, except the ones who actually live in Missouri, and were familiar with Show Me State politics, called for him to get out of the race.
  Apparently, Karl has forgotten about his less than accurate presidential election predictions. In a Fox News interview dated Nov. 1, the headline reads, "Mitt Romney will be our next President." Really?
  This is the problem with Rove and the gang. They back the same establishment, Washington beltway Republican 2.0 candidates that don't have any better track record than Rove. They lose. With the ascendancy of the TEA Party in 2010, they too targeted candidates they thought could win. But they were candidates who they felt embodied core Conservative, not necessarily Republican values, and would not abandon those values once they got to Washington. Many of them won, and the GOP enjoyed a landslide victory. The TEA Party seems to be a problem for Rove. Everyday Americans, making their voices heard, and backing the candidates of their choice, not those of some Washington insider. A civil war within the Republican Party would make Democrats giddier than schoolgirls, and would be a huge distraction at a time when the Party as a whole needs to come together and be focused on winning, and winning with the most conservative candidates. Rove claims this is not the intent, but it looks like to a lot of people, that a rift between the "Establishment", and the TEA Party may be brewing.
  Just when you thought Ron Paul might be at home in Texas watering his lawn or something, he decided to put his two cents in on the tragic death of former Navy SEAL, and decorated sniper Chris Kyle. Kyle and a friend were murdered on Saturday by a fellow veteran at a Texas firing range. In response to Kyle's death, Paul took to Twitter and said,"Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that 'he who lives by the sword dies by the sword'. Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense."
  Well, actually, it does. Vets who suffer from PTSD are often taken to the firing range. Anyone in the Military will tell you that your weapons skills become second nature to you. Taking a fellow vet suffering from PTSD to a firing range is sort of like getting someone who rides a horse and has a particularly bad fall right back in the saddle. It's all about familiar surroundings.
  For Ron Paul to post such an ignorant, uninformed comment only confirms what so many of us already knew, that he would have been completely unqualified to be the Commander In Chief. Chris Kyle, an American hero by any definition, did not need the comments of an anti-war, foreign policy nightmare like Ron Paul. How about if Congressman Paul merely gave his condolences to Chris's family? How about if Ron Paul realized that it was the sacrifices of men and women like Chris Kyle who afforded him the right to say dim-witted things such as these? It was truly a slap in the face to all active and retired Military heroes. The next day, Paul tried to "clarify" his statements, but ya' know, once that Genie is out of the bottle, it's a little hard to shove her back in!
  So in conclusion, Hey Karl, maybe it is time for you to retire, go home to Texas, and water your lawn or something. Hey Ron, stop yelling at those kids to get off of your lawn!
  To the family and friends of Chris Kyle, our deep and sincere sympathy for your loss. America was lucky to have him on the front lines protecting us. We will do our best to help you keep his memory alive.

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