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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

2017: The Year that was Never Supposed to Be


   Well, it’s that time of year. It is a time to look back and reflect on the year that was, the ups the downs, the good, bad, and the ugly. But if you are a liberal, this year was nothing like you thought it would be. What was supposed to be a year of Lefty celebration and jubilation became one of moaning, groaning, gnashing of teeth, and pink hats designed to resemble female body parts.
  The year was supposed to start with the inauguration of Hillary Clinton. The 2016 presidential election was merely a formality. Any Republican nominee would be inconsequential. This was it, this was her year. All those years of Bill Clinton making her look like a chump and doing the “stand by your man” routine, all for the good of the Party, taking one for the team. They owed her, she was entitled. And with the help of the mainstream media and the proper people already placed in Washington, what could go wrong? It would all be just a walk in Fort Marcy Park, a piece of cake, a landslide victory.
  But alas, something beyond comprehension happened. It was terrifying, horrific, and unthinkable. Not only did she lose, she lost to a Republican, and not just any Republican, a former real-estate mogul turned reality TV show host. She actually lost to Donald Trump! Poor Lefties, their bubble began to slowly and painfully burst long about 9pm on election night, and in the wee hours of Wednesday morning they realized the impossible had happened. After drying out the tears that had ran down into their Birkenstocks, and much tree hugging, they realized it was all gone, no open borders, no free health care, free education, no more apology tours around the world. It was not meant to be.
  How could this happen? Lefties are smart, politically savvy people, certainly they were smarter than those people who live in places they had only read about but never planned to actually go, places like Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas. What do those bumpkins know? They work in places like factories or department stores they drive cars that are sometimes five or even ten years old! They don’t even care about Fashion Week in Manhattan for God’s sake! These boobs are the reason Trump was elected! How could they have allowed that?
  Well, clearly there was only one thing to do. This was war. It had to be open season on anyone who supported and even had the audacity to like him. As the year has progressed, the rallies, open support, and yes the “Make America Great Again” hats only ginned up the rage and hatred. What had started out as crying jags on election night now became something that people who had spent their entire adult lives in politics had never seen before. It has become a level of vitriol that is unprecedented. 
  At this point in 2017, Hillary was supposed to be completing her first historic year as the nation’s first female president. Illegal immigrants were supposed to be pouring in by the thousands, ISIS was supposed to be alive and well, attacking and beheading Christians and other innocents freely all around the world with impunity, wealth redistribution in all its forms was supposed to be moving along nicely throughout the nation, giving everyone a “level playing field”.
  And the mainstream media had clearly dropped the ball. For your average Leftie, if this nightmare had to happen, at the very least they should have been able to manufacture enough “facts” that impeachment should have been in full swing by now. Who cares about that crap they learned in J-school? Things like truth, ethics, integrity, getting it right? That is so old school, so yesterday, so 70’s and 80’s. The American people are obviously too stupid to get things right themselves, they need the media to tell them what to think, even Mika Brzezinski said so!
  The Left was so blindsided by the election of Donald Trump. They never imagined that average Americans were tired of their president apologizing for America. They were tired of being told that chronic unemployment was the new normal. And most of all, average Americans were fed up with Washington D.C. lifers and media elitists telling them how stupid they were, that they, the more educated and sophisticated, knew better how to spend their money and live their lives than they, and they were damn tired of war being raged upon them by the very people they sent to Washington to represent them. The Left never believed that average Americans would stand up and fight back. Guess what, they did.

  With any luck the next seven years will be a seemingly never ending bad dream for the Left. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The New Battle of the Sexes?


  Liberals are obsessed with everything and everyone being the same, their favorite catch phrase being, “….a level playing field”. And in most cases that is appropriate. But sometimes Mother Nature has other ideas. In an era of newly discovered genders, we are being reminded that the two original genders, male and female are different. Stop the presses right?
  Since the beginning of the Feminist movement, we have been told that there is no difference between men and women. Gloria Steinem, founding mother of the feminist movement once said, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle”. A Time Magazine cover from January of 1992 posed the deep probing question, “Why Men and Women are Different”, with a blurb at the bottom rattling on about some new study of the day that claimed we are born that way, yet another news flash.
  But 2017 is a new day and age, and Liberals may have to face the fact that there are some differences between men and women. This year has become the year where women facing sexual harassment in the workplace have overcome their fears and have spoken out against their attackers. Most people will say that they admire and respect the courage of these women to come forward. It is embarrassing to talk publicly about what is a very violating experience. No one, men or women should have to endure such things in their place of employment. But could coming forward actually become a problem for men and women who are thrown together at work?
  A recent Washington Post article talks about the fact that men are becoming more apprehensive about being in offices or conference rooms alone with women. They make sure that a third person is in the room or that all doors remain open.  An employment lawyer says that some men just keep women out of their offices so there is no doubt about what is going on. The article also cites a report that says that of 222 American companies, women comprise 47% of entry level positions while only 20% are making it to the corner office. What is happening, or not happening in between?
  It is not too far a stretch to think that if a man is afraid to be alone with a woman, one that in a legitimate way can help further her career, her career may be doomed before it has even begun. If men are wary of business lunches and other such meetings with female colleagues what sort of message is this sending to not just young women just out of college looking to land their first big job, but women who have worked hard to climb the corporate ladder based on their own ingenuity and drive? The message is clearly that your chances of making to the aforementioned corner office are greatly diminished. It may even go as far as implying that you are not trustworthy or reliable because after all, who knows what you might say if we are in a meeting alone?
  Most women will tell you that they all got “the lecture” from parents when they started to go out to college parties and bars with friends, stay in a group, get your own drink, don’t dress too provocatively. Do men of the same age group get “the lecture” that says no means no, that if you ignore that “no” it could get you a world of trouble? How about just a few sentences from whoever their male role model was about simple respect for women?
  Everyone wants to weed out the bad apples, but we are now at a point where people who have done nothing wrong are now wary of half of the population. A Kentucky State Senator recently committed suicide because of an accusation that he apparently saw no way out of. As is often the case, the liberal agenda is fraught with unintended consequences, including people taking their own lives. What started out as something positive has turned into something Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson called “dark and menacing”. It has become a classic case of a witch hunt.

  Women have had to work long and hard, and yes, endure plenty of unwanted advances in the workplace over the years to get into the boardroom. But perhaps it is time to just step back, take a breath, and make sure what we think just happened actually happened.                   

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Being Above the Law in America on Steroids


  Back in July of 2016, we learned all about Hillary Clinton’s private servers and deletion of 30,000 subpoenaed emails. We learned long before this however that clearly, there is a two-tiered justice system in America, one if your name is Clinton and one for the rest of us peasants.
  During the 2016 presidential election, supporters of Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders claimed on numerous occasions they felt that the system had been rigged against Sanders for Hillary. Now, thanks to former loyal Democrat foot soldier and head of the DNC Donna Brazile, we know those who were “feeling the Bern” were right all along. In her new book, “Hacks”, Brazile lays out exactly what happened, how Hillary gained control of literally every aspect of the DNC, financial and otherwise to, let’s call it what it is, steal a presidential primary election.
  While the details are still spilling out and can be complex, what it appears to be is an elaborate money laundering scheme cooked up by Hillary and her minions to ensure that Bernie Sanders never had a chance. But the details are not what we want to talk about, at least not at the moment. What we want to re-visit is, how does this happen? How does one family, over the course of 30 plus years rise to the top of the American political heap and no one ever realizes or apparently cares enough about what they are willing to do to get there? Hillary Clinton is no doubt the most corrupt politician in American history, and what that says about our nation and our system needs more space than allows here. With that in mind, I thought it might be a good idea to remind everyone of the “Clinton privilege” Hillary as enjoyed these last three decades or so. So without further ado, once again, “Being Above the Law in America”.
  One of the many beautiful things about America is that the law of the land is just that. No matter if you are the CEO of a million dollar company down to the janitor at that million dollar company. We fought a war for this very principle. Before America’s independence from Britain, if you committed a crime or some other infraction, and you were a good buddy of the King, chances are that things would go a lot easier for you than if you were just the average tricorn wearing colonist.
  Since the founding of the nation, even with that idea for the most part in place, there have always been that few, that handful of well-connected people who always seem to slide by, to skate. Are they that charming, are they expert manipulators of the truth, do they know the right people, or all of the above?
  We learned last week that that dubious system is firmly in place, and if your name happens to be Clinton, doesn’t really matter if it is Bill or Hillary, the sky’s the limit, the world your oyster.
  It is not a new phenomenon. Long before the nation was enchanted by the man from Hope and his wife, the people of Arkansas were well acquainted with the legal and otherwise escapades of the Clintons. From the bungled Whitewater land deal, to Hillary’s cattle futures windfall, to those long searched for Rose Law Firm records that just poof, appeared out of nowhere in the White House, the close inner circle made sure that no Clinton would ever be held accountable for any questionable activity.
  When Bill Clinton became president, the cycle continued, and with the assistance of an always willing liberal media, the Clintons would be investigated, questioned, and interviewed. But the long arm of the law never seemed to be long enough to ensnare the Clintons.
  Then came the night of September 11, 2012. The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Libya is attacked by terrorists. Four people, including a United States Ambassador is killed. The Obama administration with Hillary Clinton now Secretary of State tells the world the “spontaneous” attack is because of an offensive YouTube video. Some four years later, we know not only this but virtually everything Americans were told about this attack is a lie. We also learn that not only is Hillary Clinton using unsecured servers to send and receive sensitive classified information, she lies repeatedly and ad nauseum about it. The entire case is handed over to the FBI. Possible multiple felonies have been committed by the now presumptive Democrat presidential nominee. The investigation goes on for months, the result, the usual, no criminal charges.
  Let’s review. We have learned that the concept of equal treatment under the law no longer applies. FBI Director James Comey all but told us that if this were any other American, they would have surely earned themselves an orange jumpsuit. But not Hillary. Not only does Hillary skate because her name is Clinton, she expects to skate because her name is Clinton. When you lose one of the basic tenets your society was founded upon, why would you not assume others are to follow.
  The American people have watched Bill and Hillary Clinton wiggle out of every bit of legal mayhem that has come their way while their willing media accomplices cleared the path for them. American are tired, fed up, and angry that the Clinton double standard they have suspected for decades has once again been proven true.

  It is clear that the Clintons will not go away quietly unless we make them. It is a crime spree whose time has come.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Spirit of America


  When ordinary average American citizens gathered in 2009 to protest Obama care and a lot of other things being shoved down their collective throats, the movement became known as The Tea Party. People who had never in their lives been politically active, some who had never even voted, realized just what then Presidential candidate Barack Obama meant when he told a cheering crowd prior to the 2008 election, that we were “five days away from fundamentally transforming America.” They decided right then and there, they were not having any of it.
  That summer, rallies sprang up all over the nation. More people rose up not to just protest Obama care, but the attempted hijacking and remaking of basic American values and ideals. They were tired of seeing the country drowning in more debt, more people on welfare and food stamps, less credibility abroad, and a president who made it a habit of going to foreign countries and apologizing for America. During the congressional recess that August, Americans showed up in droves at the town hall meetings of their local Congressmen and Senators imploring them to stand up against the administration and fight for what those people had sent them to Washington D.C to do. It was organic, it was spontaneous, even though the mainstream media tried their best to tell us otherwise, it was heartfelt. Nothing like it had been seen in a long time.
  The debate on whether or not the Tea Party has had its fifteen minutes of fame and is still useful will go on, but now there is something new. And it is being fueled by the fact that those same ordinary citizens, the ones who felt like they had no voice for eight years for a host of reasons, now have the muscle of both houses of Congress and the White House behind them, and they will demand to be heard.
  “Spirit of America” rallies will take place on Feb. 27 and March 4 all over the nation. It is a non-partisan, all-inclusive gathering. If you support President Donald Trump, if maybe Trump was not your first choice, or you did not even vote for him but you support an America first agenda of jobs, a strong vibrant economy, a strong military, and a secured southern border, then this is the place for you. If you are sick and tired of seeing radical Leftists march, protest, burn American flags, destroy property and businesses all in the name of “love trumps hate”, this is the place to be.
  We know that the media will tell you that this is a gathering of racist, sexist, bigots, a gathering of islamaphobes, homophobes, and every other sort of “phobe”. They will say it is just a bunch of angry people, mostly white, finally speaking out against eight years of a black president. They will say that we are anti-immigrant, that we don’t like anyone who does not look like us. The media, for all of their self-perceived intellectualness still cannot figure out this is precisely why Donald Trump got elected. It is fun to watch, and it is fun to stick our collective finger in their eye because once again, they got it wrong.

  Find a rally near you, and celebrate the Spirit of America.                                    

Monday, January 23, 2017

Sights and Sounds of Inauguration Day


  Friday January 20 was a day that many people had waited for for many reasons. For Conservatives, the day that Barack Hussein Obama would vacate the White House for good was a day eight years in the making. And not only was he off to begin the next phase of his life which was, thankfully, his post-presidency, he was turning over the keys of the People’s House to the opposition Party. Some still doubt that Donald Trump is a Republican much less a Conservative, but he has a GOP House and Senate behind him. If Conservatives are lucky, they won’t screw it up.
  People from all over the nation made the trip to Washington D.C. to witness something that rarely happens in any other part of the world, the peaceful transition of power. Oh sure, in some areas of Washington things were not so peaceful. Rioters calling themselves “protesters” set fires, threw bottles at police, and generally continued to throw their collective temper tantrum over the fact that Donald Trump was now the President.
  Things started pretty traditionally. You had dignitaries including former Presidents in attendance, military bands playing patriotic music, and of course, swearing in ceremonies. If you happen to be watching mainstream media, or Liberal cable channels, you would have thought that America had finally surrendered and we were just waiting for our new alien overlords from a distant planet to come issue every American citizen a microchip and take over life as we know it. The meltdown was as infantile as it was hilarious. Terry Moran if ABC news called the notion of “America first”, “dark”, and suggested it had overtones of 1930’s anti-Semitic slogans in Germany. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews did not even try to hide his Nazi insinuations. He called Trump’s inaugural speech “Hitlerian”. Poor Chris, no tingles up his leg this year.
  Over at the Fox News Channel, the usual suspects could not cut the new President some slack either. But they made a serious attempt to make it look like they were, sort of. Chris Wallace noted that President Trump’s inaugural address was that of an “insurgent, the leader of a revolt that has won and taken control of Washington”. Fidel Castro, but in a good way? Brit Hume described it as “not poetic but quite strong”. Kind of like telling your friend that the dress she is currently wearing does not make her butt look nearly as big as the one she just tried on.
  As the term of the nation’s first black president came to an end, poll after poll shows America’s black population very divided on whether or not Barack Obama’s presidency was good for them. The statistics certainly do not bear it out, but every president has his die hard supporters. Barack Obama’s are no exception. But it appears that so many of them supported him for no other reason than the color of his skin. It is something that seems completely contradictory to the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, whose life and legacy was celebrated by Americans inside of the same week. This came to mind later in the day as Melania Trump’s amazing Jackie Kennedy-esque blue outfit with matching gloves was discussed and an African-American co-worker called the new First Lady a “fake-a** b**ch”, then proceeded to mumble something about Michelle Obama being called a monkey, not acceptable to any rational person on either side of the aisle. But wow, this statement was not racist at all! Note sarcasm.

  This chronicles only the first day, and not even an entire day of Donald Trump’s time as President. Welcome to the next four years. This should be fun.