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Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Spirit of America


  When ordinary average American citizens gathered in 2009 to protest Obama care and a lot of other things being shoved down their collective throats, the movement became known as The Tea Party. People who had never in their lives been politically active, some who had never even voted, realized just what then Presidential candidate Barack Obama meant when he told a cheering crowd prior to the 2008 election, that we were “five days away from fundamentally transforming America.” They decided right then and there, they were not having any of it.
  That summer, rallies sprang up all over the nation. More people rose up not to just protest Obama care, but the attempted hijacking and remaking of basic American values and ideals. They were tired of seeing the country drowning in more debt, more people on welfare and food stamps, less credibility abroad, and a president who made it a habit of going to foreign countries and apologizing for America. During the congressional recess that August, Americans showed up in droves at the town hall meetings of their local Congressmen and Senators imploring them to stand up against the administration and fight for what those people had sent them to Washington D.C to do. It was organic, it was spontaneous, even though the mainstream media tried their best to tell us otherwise, it was heartfelt. Nothing like it had been seen in a long time.
  The debate on whether or not the Tea Party has had its fifteen minutes of fame and is still useful will go on, but now there is something new. And it is being fueled by the fact that those same ordinary citizens, the ones who felt like they had no voice for eight years for a host of reasons, now have the muscle of both houses of Congress and the White House behind them, and they will demand to be heard.
  “Spirit of America” rallies will take place on Feb. 27 and March 4 all over the nation. It is a non-partisan, all-inclusive gathering. If you support President Donald Trump, if maybe Trump was not your first choice, or you did not even vote for him but you support an America first agenda of jobs, a strong vibrant economy, a strong military, and a secured southern border, then this is the place for you. If you are sick and tired of seeing radical Leftists march, protest, burn American flags, destroy property and businesses all in the name of “love trumps hate”, this is the place to be.
  We know that the media will tell you that this is a gathering of racist, sexist, bigots, a gathering of islamaphobes, homophobes, and every other sort of “phobe”. They will say it is just a bunch of angry people, mostly white, finally speaking out against eight years of a black president. They will say that we are anti-immigrant, that we don’t like anyone who does not look like us. The media, for all of their self-perceived intellectualness still cannot figure out this is precisely why Donald Trump got elected. It is fun to watch, and it is fun to stick our collective finger in their eye because once again, they got it wrong.

  Find a rally near you, and celebrate the Spirit of America.