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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Could It Happen To You?

  Well, the verdict is in, the jury has spoken. Whether you like the outcome or not, our justice system works. For everyone. First of all, we must recognize the first true victim in this case. A young man's life was tragically struck down before it had a chance to really begin. Trayvon Martin will never know the pride and accomplishment of such milestones in life as high school and college graduation. Leaving home, getting a job, getting married and having a family of his own. It happens to too many young men like him. Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin have lost their child, and they will always have holes in their hearts, and will always be mourning him. No parents should ever have to endure such pain for the rest of their lives.
  But there is another victim. Yes, he is still alive. But is he really?
  On the morning of February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman was just like you and me. He had a wife, a house, a job, and a family. That Sunday night, he decided to get some grocery shopping done to get ready for the week ahead. I have done that, have you? That totally innocent decision changed his life forever.
  Could something happen this week, in the course of your daily life, that could change your life in a heartbeat? Most of us will drive to a job tomorrow. George won't. More than likely, he never will. Who will hire him? Maybe you will stop off at the grocery store too. George won't. He can no longer leave his place of residence by himself. People have threatened to kill him. They have even created a Facebook page entitled, "Kill George Zimmerman". Could it happen to you? George didn't think so either.
  George's wife was going to school to be a nurse. Can she continue? Possibly, Zimmerman is a fairly common surname. Maybe no one will do the math. But what if they do? George's mother took the stand to defend her son, like any mother would. Can she leave her house alone? George's brother Robert was also very outspoken in his defense. Should he also worry for his safety? How many friends has George lost in this circus? No one could blame people for just not being able to deal with this type of attention, no matter how good of friends they were. Or, are they wondering, is this really George? How well do I really know him? Now, let's look ahead a little. George and his wife are a young couple. What if they decide to have children in the future? Will those children be safe, or will someone decide that "justice for Trayvon" includes harming that child?
  The CEO's of the race hustler industry, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. I refuse to call either of them "reverend" because nothing about them is. Who renders earthly judgment on them? George Zimmerman is just the latest in a long line of destroyed lives left in their wake, all in the name of "civil rights". When will either of these pathetic examplesDeen's life and work?
of humanity be held accountable for their atrocious actions? Is it a stretch to wonder if either of their miserable fingerprints are on the destruction of Paula
  Trayvon Martin's life is over. A truly sad thing. But what will life really be like for George Zimmerman and his family? What will you be doing this week that George can no longer do because he must fear for his life and look over his shoulder for the rest of it? A trip to the grocery store? Dinner and a movie with your spouse? Maybe a ballgame or a concert? Or just going to a job?
  Jesse and Al's dirty work is far from done in this case. They will begin camping out on the doorstep of the Department of Justice for a chance at possible federal charges against George Zimmerman, and Eric Holder's trolls will no doubt help in any way they can. Jesse and Al, like the vampires they are, will search for another victim to feed off of.
Who will be next? Could it happen to you?      

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