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Monday, February 13, 2012

Obama Campaign Launches "Truth Teams"

  With the Primary season in full swing for the G.O.P., the Obama team is gearing up what are being called "Truth Teams".  The Obama Campaign is training at least 2 million people for it's "grassroots communications team" to counter attack ads by the Republican contenders.
  The teams are being launched in 13 swing states, including Iowa, Florida, and Ohio, plus the launching of 2 websites, "", "".  The Campaign issued a statement, saying that "every time Republicans attack the President's record that these grassroots supporters can take ownership of the campaign and give the facts to the undecided voters in their lives.
  So which record is the Obama camp "setting straight"?  Is it the 500 billion dollars in tax increases that would fund Obama care? Is it the almost 16 trillion dollar deficit that continues to mount?  Or is it the ongoing 8.3% unemployment rate?  Granted, it's all George W. Bush's fault, but it's no wonder the Obama people would like to do all they can to "set the record straight".  It's been said by a lot of different talking heads on a lot of different networks, and even by the President himself, that this election will be about two very different visions for America.  Republicans will need to articulate their vision in a better, stronger, and more powerful way, that leaves no doubt who the "truth team" really is.   

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